Amazing experience. Neuro acupuncture helped my daughter tremendously. Very knowledgeable and caring doctor. Who knows and understands neuro acupuncture. Also experienced in working with kids. I was scared at first to bring my daughter for acupuncture but he comforted her and her acupuncture experience was as good as it gets. My daughters headaches and seizures improved tremendously. Highly recommend to anyone!!!


Arlene R.

I met Lok-Kwan while going through a very difficult health crisis - anxiety, digestive issues and dizziness. This crisis was the result of a traumatic experience and it also had an emotional and spiritual impact. Among other things, I became scared of meditation. Since the first session I had with Lok-Kwan I felt more relaxed and while learning and practicing Qigong - I gradually became comfortable with meditation and I realized that many of my fears were simply due to lack of guidance. Lok-Kwan is truly a teacher. I feel free to ask him all sorts of body, mind & spirit questions - he's not about 'hocus-pocus' and weird interpretations. He has a great ability to explain sensations and concepts that may seem complex, in a very simple manner. There is always an honest, peaceful, humble and loving vibe in his presence - and lots of laughs - which has been key in my recovery process.


Sofia C.

Incredibly kind and reassuring. Lok Kwan came to my rescue and did a house call on his lunch hour. I'm so grateful for his service and compassion. I'm 4 months pregnant and threw my back out the day before when trying to take my toddler out of the crib. It's been excruciating! The worst pain of my life. Worse than childbirth! Can't move, turn and just desperately needing to use the bathroom. My husband called him this morning and he returned his call immediately and came to our aid. I would definitely recommend his services. Thank you Lok Kwan!



Lok-Kwan opened up a world of relief I did not think was possible with my neurological pain disorder (specifically a progressive disease of the sympathetic nervous system).  After my first Qigong session I felt pain relief and continue to use his Qigong instructions and breathing techniques daily.

For over a decade I tried countless medicines, opioids, surgeries and procedures from the "best" specialists in the Midwest.  Lok-Kwan was the first to bring me consistent relief, and I am eternally grateful for him. 



I sought Lok-Kwan's help through acupuncture and qigong to help me with a consuming ANXIETY surrounding my health conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, skin eruptions, and other problems. A few short months later I am much calmer and my numbers are telling a different story today. I cannot begin to understand how I was healed, but am forever grateful to Lok-Kwan and his treatment.



Never in my life I remember wearing a pair of tall boots because they never fit my leg. I bought a pair today and they fit me. Am crying out of joy. Thank you for all your help! You have no idea what this means to me!



Lok-Kwan's treatment of my chronic pain and the side-effects of opioid pain medication use were extremely effective. But more than this, seeing Lok-Kwan on a regular basis has vastly improved my overall health and well being." "What makes Lok-Kwan different, though, is that he is a true MASTER of not only acupuncture, but also shiatsu, Chinese herbal medicine, Taoism and Qi-Gong. He has studied the ancient texts (in the original language of course) of a tradition that has millennia of wisdom and experience behind it. I have taken two of his Qi-Gong classes and have learned meditation and exercise/movement techniques that have improved my mental and physical energy as well as afforded me deep spiritual insight. And on top of all this, Lok-Kwan is a truly wonderful and generous person.



My young daughter struggled with chronic urinary tract infections, and while she had the best care western medicine could provide through the urology department at Children's Memorial Hospital, she continued a cycle of infection which required treatment with antibiotics. This, at its worst point, went on continually for about six months. Knowing that constant antibiotic use further weakened her system, I looked for alternatives.
In stepped Lok-Kwan. With a combination of gentle herbs and acupuncture, her infections could be cured, and her body given the chance to heal itself. Whenever an infection has been present and confirmed by our pediatrician, we have gone to Lok-Kwan, and he has cleared the infection. I remember the first time we returned to the pediatrician after she had the acupuncture and herbal treatment, to be told that she was free from infection. It was a wonderful feeling!
Lok-Kwan has a great sense of humor and an ease of manner that I would think would be required to put needles in a four year old. Three years later we still make visits to Lok-Kwan for the whole family. Both my other daughters and my husband have had occasion for treatment. Sprained ankles, digestive troubles, respiratory illnesses, he has helped in so many different instances. Even when I am not the direct patient, I always walk away from the visit with a renewed sense of peace and calm from my time spent in his office.


Ilias N

Chronic migraines had been bothering me for a little over 8 years. Severe in many cases. I've visited many doctors, pathologists, neurologists, chiropractors. Finally I was recommended to Dr. Lok Kwan. After a month, I've experienced my first month without a single migraine incident! The sessions are great, and more than anything I don't take any more expensive and harmful pills like I used to. If anyone has severe headaches or migraines, I strongly recommend a visit with Dr. Lok Kwan. Now, I'm migraine free, pill free, and can resume to a regular life with out the pain of a migraine every other week.



My shoulder is getting so much better! Good enough for me to do the butterfly stroke!


Patient suffering from gout pain caused by cancer drugs

Lok-Kwan, I can't believe it, the swelling and pain is almost gone. I am flabbergasted, how did this happen?

Can you help me with the prostate problem so I do not have to take those toxic meds and still keep the threat of cancer at bay?



Immensely helpful for immediate relief of my BACK!
HIGHLY Recommend!


Diana Anton

He has helped me with knee and hip pain ! Love the office!



Lok-Kwan's treatments have restored me to a self I had long forgotten.