Neuro-Acupuncture (NAc) stimulates Brodmann's Area 8 to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Image by Brodmann, via Wikimedia Commons
Neuro-Acupuncture (NAc) uses Brodmann's Area 8 (BA 8) to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and this is the reason why:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is "a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over." -NIH. It is a maladaptive attempt to deal with uncertainty.
Functional magnetic imaging studies have found that the prefrontal cortex, Brodmann's Area 8, is activated when the test subject experiences uncertainty. Neurologically it involves the cognitive-executive loops of the of the basal ganglia. Impulse is initiated in the prefrontal cortex and sent to the caudate nucleus where it is processed and relayed back to the prefrontal cortex. It affects cognition and behavior but also controls visual attention and voluntary gaze because of terminations in the frontal eye fields of the prefrontal cortex. Overactivity of the cognitive-executive loops is associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Neuro-Acupuncture (NAc) stimulates the prefrontal cortex and frontal eye fields to create an inhibitory effect to treat OCD.