Dragon Gate Qigong class meeting Saturday March 5



Dragon Gate Qigong

Dragon Qigong is the perfect introduction to Nei Dan (Inner Elixir) practice. Its movements are simple and not challenging at all to perform, but its effects are profound. I have not had a single student who, within ten to fifteen minutes of beginning practice, did not gain a palpable experience of Qi. Even many who have practiced Qigong for years reported that it was an experience they had never had before.

As I tell my students, I’m not your teacher, I’m just your guide. A guide who has travelled the territory and is familiar with the landscape. I can point and say, ‘look here’, ‘look there’, ‘don’t miss that amazing scene around the corner!’. Or, I can say, ‘don’t go too close to that edge!’, or, ‘slow down, enjoy every step, there’s no end to this climb.’ Once they’re connected to the Qi, the Qi is their true teacher.

In my last email I talked about leaping over the Dragon Gate, turning into a dragon and flying into the sky. Touching the Qi is such a leap and it is life-changing because we could feel the larger energies we are connected to and are a part of. But Dragon Gate is not just one gate and that is a good thing. There are more gates further up to leap over and each one brings new discovery and realization.