Neuro-Acupuncture is a revolutionary treatment for neurological problems that marries time-tested acupuncture tradition to space-age neuroscience.
Neuro-Acupuncture integrates Acupuncture with knowledge of brain and nervous systems functioning. It is safe, non-invasive and creates good results. An effective therapy for stroke rehabilitation, Neuro-Acupuncture helps many other problems, including Essential Tremor, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Migraines, Anxiety, Loss of Taste and Smell, Aphasia, and Complex Regional Pain.
Image courtesy of Visible Body
Neuro-Acupuncture is based on the latest scientific understanding of brain area functioning and neuroplasticity. By stimulating areas associated with motor, sensory or other functional impairment, brain cells are induced to make new connections and surrounding neurons are recruited to reform circuitry and restore the lost abilities.
Neuro-Acupuncture also helps many problems that are not commonly considered ‘neurological’. There are few conditions that do not involve body-brain communication in an important way, and modulating it offers fresh therapeutic potentials.
There are always possibilities for positive change.
Neuro-Acupuncture is practiced synergistically together with Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Auricular Acupuncture. Complex and difficult conditions become treatable when we understand that they are not separate entities but stages of transformation. Knowing how diseases move and develop within the body to affect different functions and organs points the way to cure. Acupuncture medicine is not deterministic. It is an open system that allows for alternative ways to understand and solve a problem. There are always possibilities for positive change.